Before submitting the abstract, please complete the Registration form in the Registration section!
Abstract submission
Download abstract template. Save the abstract as "name.doc" file; "name" meaning the name of the main author.
The abstract should be emailed to Dead line for Abstract submission: 30.04.2013
Full paper editing
The papers will be published in AIP Conference Proceedings.
The maximum length of one paper will be 5 pages.
The author instructions and MS Word Template are presented below:
Additional information can be found on AIP Conference Proceedings.
For LaTeX users please see the instruction on AIP Conference Proceedings.
The papers should be emailed to The dead line for paper submission is 26.07.2013.
Presentation of contributions
The official language is English.
An invited lecture will be 30 minutes (25 minutes the lecture, 5 minutes discussions).
An oral presentation will be 15 minutes (10 minutes the presentation, 5 minutes discussions).
Poster size A0 (about 80cm x 120cm - orientation: Portrait).